How to Connect and Use a Wireless Xbox 360 Controller on Your PC Your USB port doesn’t function properly.Try plugging it into something else and see if it works. Or, you can use Give Driver Support | ONE a try today! to automatically update all of your drivers in the background. Go to your motherboard’s manufacturer’s website, find your motherboard model, and download your proper chipset drivers for your version of Windows. Your USB drivers are missing or not functioning properly.

Open your System updates and apply any updates that you don’t have – it’s not necessary to go to Windows 10, but Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft, so you may want to consider it. Your version of Windows isn’t updated.If it’s still not working, here’s a quick checklist to diagnose the problem: Using a wired Xbox 360 should be simple with Windows 8 and up – it’s just plug and play! If you’re on Windows 7, you’ll need to have an automatic driver updater or you’ll need to pull the drivers off of Microsoft’s site. However, there are a few situations that may cause users to have problems with an Xbox controller on their PC.