In order to be able to connect to the Microsoft SQL server from within the Talend Open Studio you need to turn on the following connection properties: Prerequisites on the Microsoft SQL Server SQL service user able to connect to the Microsoft SQL server and having read permissions on the desired database.Reachable Microsoft SQL server hosting the target database table to be crawled.Talend Open Studio >= 5.0.2 (as installed on Mindbreeze InSpire appliance) – with the configuration of the Mindbreeze user components (for details see the configuration white paper for the Data Integration Connector).Mindbreeze license including the Data Integration Connector.Mindbreeze installation (this example is shown on a Mindbreeze installation running on Microsoft Windows).

You will need to take care of the following steps in order to get this example to work: Based on a demo database table hosted on a Microsoft SQL Server the full procedure of setting up the Talend job through configuration within Mindbreeze and finally some troubleshooting hints will be shown in this paper. This guide will help to integrate an SQL database table into Mindbreeze Enterprise Search.

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